The 30 day challenge: Write every day.

Louis M. Morgner
2 min readMar 16, 2020

Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in — Bill Bradley

In the past, I have struggled to keep my writing habits stick. I usually had an excuse to not do it. Either, there was too much on my plate or I simply didn’t feel like doing it but in the end, it all comes down to priorities.

We all know these moments where we are truly motivated to finally put ourselves out there and start doing. Whether it is writing, producing youtube videos or starting that podcast you’ve thought about so many times.

In these moments, it is easy for us to get to work and start doing. But what happens after a couple of days when the initial excitement slowly but steadily disappears?

We stop. We stop doing what we ought to do. We stop executing what we truly want. We stop sticking to the habits that would take us there. But why?

After the initial motivation fades away we start finding excuses to not follow what we started. And all that because we don’t see the results we desire right away. But what if you could just stick to your plans and go out there and follow your dreams — who knows what would happen?

A challenge to help you follow through

Let’s reframe your current situation into a challenge. Whatever you’re thinking about starting, define an activity that you can get done every day. Then, stick to this activity for the next 30 days.

Make it a challenge. Challenge yourself to publish one article, record a new podcast episode or draw a sketch every day.

This might be what you actually need. A challenge that urges you to act. That holds you accountable to your short-term plans. That gets you doing even if you don’t feel like it.

Will it be easy? Perhaps not. But put this into perspective: We are talking about 30 days where you dedicate yourself to a dream that might be rooted deep inside of you. Do you know if that project you want to pursue is actually right for you? Probably not. But isn’t it worth finding it out?

Of course, life will come in the way in the next 30 days. You will face situations that urge you to not do. But this is not an option. At least not for the upcoming 30 days because you are on a path to make a change in your life.

Join me along this 30-day challenge. Who knows where we end up?

