Days in Nature

Time you enjoy wasting is never wasted

Louis M. Morgner
2 min readOct 7, 2022

Our lives are busy. Our days filled with countless things demanding our attention. A lot of space in our being is taken up by the different roles and responsibilities we possess. If we had a busy week that was demanding, we still aim to “make the most” out of the weekend. Go party, grab dinner, meet friends, engage in our hobbies. Whatever it may be for you, we constantly try to avoid wasting time and ensure to make good use of it. Why of course is a sensible manner to live by.

In the midst of our ever-accelerating, attention-demanding lives, we tend to forget to make time for the simple things in life. Our perception minishes and we start to live on autopilot. We fear “wasting time”.

Recently, I was reminded of how short-sided this thinking is. As John Lennon famously said: “The time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted”. No matter where you live, you can always travel 1 hour outside your city and (typically) find beautiful spots in nature that remind you of the tranquility of life. Nature rests in stillness. You just need to observe it. And to observe it, you need to make space for it. Space in your conscious being despite the accelerating demand-seeking things in your life. Those days you spend in nature remind you of that quality. Those days on which you make time to “waste” time, are the days that allow you to keep the balance. And the best part: it’s entirely free. The only one keeping you from seizing those calm days is yourself. Are you ready to make space for “wasted” time in your life? It’s the most unwasted time you will spend.

